| 1. | Information in the retinal image may be interpreted in many different ways.
| 2. | Visual processes deteriorate rapidly in the absence of retinal image motion, with Stabilized Images.
| 3. | AOSLO compares favorably with other retinal imaging techniques as well.
| 4. | Most retinal images of two-dimensional forms lead to two-dimensional forms in experience as well.
| 5. | In vision, binocular disparity is term that describes the difference between two retinal images.
| 6. | What matters is the visual angle V which determines the size of the retinal image.
| 7. | He uses a hand-held computer called an OptiReader to take retinal images of his cattle.
| 8. | It equals the ratio between the retinal image sizes obtained with and without the telescope.
| 9. | Computer-aided animation and analysis of time series retinal images have been suggested to observer retinal conditions.
| 10. | The retinal image is not perceived or sensed.